Vision & Value

Vision & Value

We live our values and measure our success by the success of our clients, shareholders, communities and people.

Vision: PREMIUM strives to be one of the leading Aluminum companies in the Middle East.

Values: PREMIUM is a value based company.

Integrity: PREMIUM's foundation is our integrity. We are open, honest and trustworthy in dealing with customers, suppliers, coworkers, shareholders and the communities where we have an impact.

Environment, Health & Safety: We work safly in manner that protects and promotes the health and well-being of the individual and the environment.

Client: We support our clients success by creating exceptional value through innovative product and service solutions.

Excellence: We relentlessly pursue excellence in everything we do, every day.

People: We work in an inclusive environment that embraces change, new ideas, respect for the individual and equal oppurtunity to succeed.

Profitability: We earn sustainable financial results that enable profitable grow and superior shareholder value.

Accountability: We are accountable-individually and in teams for our behaviors and results.